Friday, September 26, 2008

"Come! Follow Me."

When Jesus called his talmidim (Matthew 4:18-22; 9:9-13), they were all working; making a living in the family trade. Jesus went to their places of work and said, “Come, follow me.” The Bible tells us that they immediately quit what they were doing and began to follow Jesus. Why would they quit their jobs to follow him? It wasn’t because he was the Messiah; they didn’t even know he was the Messiah until after his resurrection.

To read the rest, go to

In His Dust,

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Parents Can Say the Dumbest Things!

Some of you may be like me in that you can be very emotionally affected by your imagination.

I have a son who easily comes to tears simply by hearing of someone else’s pain. My son cried and yelled out a few pre-teen bleep-requiring comments about the boys. I was sorry I told him the story after that.

Recently I discovered, the hard way, that my daughter carries the same imaginative trait. I then wanted to plant a seed of commitment into her small memory bank, so I then went on to tell her that she will marry a great guy and stay married to him until she dies.

I suddenly found myself in big trouble!

To read the whole article, go to


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jesus, Rabbi with Authority

God came into the world in the form of a Jewish, Galilean rabbi. God did not “just” come into the world in the form of a man. That would be much too random and simplistic when we consider the very detailed, strategic God that is YHWH.

The Messiah entered the world in first-century Israel; he was born in Bethlehem, grew up in Nazareth, and lived his adult life in Capernaum, near the Sea of Galilee. The largest religious school ever built in ancient times has been discovered in Capernaum. Those who grew up and lived in Capernaum were exposed to the Harvard of their day.

In ancient Israel, there were two kinds of teachers; Torah teachers also referred to as teachers of the Law, and there were Shmikahed rabbis also called teachers with authority.

To read the whole article, go to

In His dust,

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Simplicity of the Written Word

The Bible is a very precious and valuable piece of property for many people. Some are even quite superstitious about the book itself, claiming that it should not be placed on the ground or have any item laid on top of it.

Even more passionate are the opinions about which version of the English language is most appropriate for filling the text. The King James Version is thought of by many Christians as the most beautiful of all the English versions of the Bible. Some even use the English of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (as in the KJV) when praying, as if it is more suitable for speaking with God.

To read the rest, go to

In His dust,