Tuesday, March 28, 2006

"There Is No God Jehovah"

Hamakom, hagavoah, halashon, hag'vurah, and shamayim were all names used by the ancient people of God in order to avoid misusing the name YHWH (yah-WEH) when having daily conversation or even in teaching. This is still the practice for modern Jews.

‘Adonai or ‘elohim was used when reciting or reading Scripture. Yet, even ‘elohim was not used in conversation.

The reason these other names, literally meaning the Place, the High, the Tongue, the Power, and the Heaven, were used in place of the tetragrammaton, YHWH was due to a literal translation of the third commandment, which was to never use the name of YHWH in vain.

Until some time around the third century B.C., but definitely up until the exile in 586 B.C. the name YHWH was used regularly. But in the third century B.C. the name YHWH was only spoken by the priests during Temple liturgies.

Until the sixth century A.D. there were no vowels used in writing the Hebrew language. But at that time, due to the deficite of people who were still fluent in Hebrew, vowels were used to help future generations pronounce the words of the Hebrew Scriptures.

Here is where the name Jehovah was accidentally invented.

The scholars of the sixth century, known as Masoretes, are the ones who began using vowels in writing the Hebrew Scriptures. In their attempt to preserve the third century B.C. law of not saying YHWH, the Masoretes superimposed the vowels of ‘adonai into the tetragrammaton YHWH. This was a protection for those who stumbled across the name YHWH in their reading and prevented them from saying the “sacred name.”

In 1516 A.D. an Italian theologian named Franciscan friar Galatinus came across this superimposed “warning” and misinterpreted it to be a name used for God. He then transliterated the Hebrew Y with the Latin equivalent J and the Hebrew W with the Latin equivalent V and presto…JeHoVaH was created.

Remember that as you sing, “There’s no God like Jehovah,” just take out the “like” and you have a more theologically correct song.

Friday, March 10, 2006

I raya and ahava you!

Life is never short of surprises. I gained some freedom tonight in my small group.

I know for a fact that I am among the top 10 luckiest people on the planet to have such great friends and a fantastic family.

The world seems so much lighter when great friends surround us. I raya and ahava all of you. Staci is also blessed with my expression of dod. Sorry that's exclusively reserved for her.

Thank you everyone for being so wonderful.

Grace and peace,

Thursday, March 09, 2006

A Foil

Life is very complex. There are so many real people with real problems who are searching for real solutions.

At the same time, there are too many actors pretending to be people with answers. Actaully, I think we are all actors in some capacity. The most reliable actors research the works of other actors and claim them as authority. The least reliable simply rely on our own acting.

At least the authority of other actors comes with some kind of experiences, even if they are only acted out expreiences.

Cynicism is a wonderful expression, isn't it? It's a popular one anyway, so I thought I'd use it for a moment.

Actually, I'm not convinced that cynicism is all it's cracked up to be.

Forever learning or acting like I'm learning,

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Posting to post.

Have a good day.

Good bye.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Passive Friendship Evangelism Committee

Words from Dr. William Willimon: "We, as the church, need to mock the world, instead of being so accepting and encouraging of it. We celebrate sin, by honoring sinners."

This is very true. Lately I am seeing more and more honor given to the lost as if this is a way of showing them Christ. Remember Christ told them to go and sin no more, sell all that you have and give it to the poor, come and follow me.

Sure, he had parties with sinners, but he didn't give them a big hug and say, "It's okay, you just keep trying and you'll get better while I love you." He said, "Go and sin NO MORE!"

It's time for the church to start mocking the world and stop treating sin and sinners as if they are a project for the "Passive Friendship Evangelism Committee."

Sin is real
Hell is hot
Christ saves
Friendships do not

Forever learning,

Friday, March 03, 2006

Another Pentecost?"

I’m not going to do the study for everyone, but I will give my best, according to my own study and the insight of great teachers, professors, and, of course, the Word of God.

To ask for another Pentecost, is like asking for another crucifixion, another risen Christ, or another Ark of the Covenant to be built. Pentecost happened as it was prophesied to happen…once!

The Spirit of God was present in “Tongues of Fire” or, to give a clearer translation, “Languages of Power.” The “fire” of God, was at Pentecost and is today, His powerful spoken Word, given by those who are faithful to share it.

I have always cringed a bit when I hear this song led in worship. Next we’ll be writing a song asking for another crucifixion.

Forever Learning,

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Walking Examples of Joy in Suffering

Tuesday, I went to a seminar led by Dr. William Willimon. WOW! He is an amazing communicator; considered to be one of the top 12 preachers in the country.

He has written 50 books and I know why; he has a lot to teach us.

I want to share specifically his point on pastoral pride.

He brought to the attention of everyone present that Christian leaders are quickly sucked into the "entitlement" syndrome.

When we (Christian leaders) first begin, we are looking to serve God regardless of the perks and pay, but it doesn't take long before we'll quit if we aren't allowed to have a laptop.

Think about it: how many Christian leaders do you know that aren't concerned about what neighborhood they live in, what kind of car they drive, or how much of an expense account they are alotted? I'll give you a hint. They are those who are asking of God, "Where do you want me to go Lord?" They are not those who are saying to the congregation and the church leadership, "Don't you realize how called and gifted I am?"

PRIDE is going to destroy us, if we don't take a good look in the mirror.

I am so proud of Rob and Heather who are leading a powerful outreach ministry in Charlotte, NC. They haven't received a paycheck in months, they are borrowing a car from a friend, they receive all of their meals from shelters and soup kitchens, they live in the ghetto, and their biggest request is for someone to give them something to stop up holes that allow cold air to come into their apartment.

I saw Rob last Wednesday night and the man is a "WALKING EXAMPLE OF JOY IN SUFFERING." How many of us have someone saying that about us? Not many.

It's tough to suffer the lack of constant needs for upgrades on technological gear and living arrangements. God should understand how important I am and how much I need to live comfortably. (Hope you're picking up on the sarcasm.)

Today is Ash Wendesday, therefore it is appropriate for me to remind all of you that you are dirt. You started as dirt and you're heading back to dirt. You've already been given the gift of God making you something out of nothing. To feel intitled to more is the equivelant of your hamburger asking for more ketchup. Thanks for returning this reminder to me--I am dirt too!

I have seen Rob many times in Charlotte and never knew of any of his suffering until someone told me this morning. He is always clean, joyful, and never puts on a bit of air that he is struggling. This is what Jesus meant when he said not to tell people when you are fasting. That's Rob and Heather; they don't whine and complain. They just move ahead with the calling to share Jesus with the world.

Thank you Rob and Heather for reminding me of what's important...Following the will of God and reaching others for His purposes, regardless of how comfortable life is for me.

Forever learning,