Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Walking Examples of Joy in Suffering

Tuesday, I went to a seminar led by Dr. William Willimon. WOW! He is an amazing communicator; considered to be one of the top 12 preachers in the country.

He has written 50 books and I know why; he has a lot to teach us.

I want to share specifically his point on pastoral pride.

He brought to the attention of everyone present that Christian leaders are quickly sucked into the "entitlement" syndrome.

When we (Christian leaders) first begin, we are looking to serve God regardless of the perks and pay, but it doesn't take long before we'll quit if we aren't allowed to have a laptop.

Think about it: how many Christian leaders do you know that aren't concerned about what neighborhood they live in, what kind of car they drive, or how much of an expense account they are alotted? I'll give you a hint. They are those who are asking of God, "Where do you want me to go Lord?" They are not those who are saying to the congregation and the church leadership, "Don't you realize how called and gifted I am?"

PRIDE is going to destroy us, if we don't take a good look in the mirror.

I am so proud of Rob and Heather who are leading a powerful outreach ministry in Charlotte, NC. They haven't received a paycheck in months, they are borrowing a car from a friend, they receive all of their meals from shelters and soup kitchens, they live in the ghetto, and their biggest request is for someone to give them something to stop up holes that allow cold air to come into their apartment.

I saw Rob last Wednesday night and the man is a "WALKING EXAMPLE OF JOY IN SUFFERING." How many of us have someone saying that about us? Not many.

It's tough to suffer the lack of constant needs for upgrades on technological gear and living arrangements. God should understand how important I am and how much I need to live comfortably. (Hope you're picking up on the sarcasm.)

Today is Ash Wendesday, therefore it is appropriate for me to remind all of you that you are dirt. You started as dirt and you're heading back to dirt. You've already been given the gift of God making you something out of nothing. To feel intitled to more is the equivelant of your hamburger asking for more ketchup. Thanks for returning this reminder to me--I am dirt too!

I have seen Rob many times in Charlotte and never knew of any of his suffering until someone told me this morning. He is always clean, joyful, and never puts on a bit of air that he is struggling. This is what Jesus meant when he said not to tell people when you are fasting. That's Rob and Heather; they don't whine and complain. They just move ahead with the calling to share Jesus with the world.

Thank you Rob and Heather for reminding me of what's important...Following the will of God and reaching others for His purposes, regardless of how comfortable life is for me.

Forever learning,

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