Saturday, February 25, 2006

Clarifying Clarification

Please allow me to take a moment to clarify my last clarification.

My last blog was an attempt to say, "Please don't think that I am a staunch advocate of my own views." I also have great respect for the insights and views of other Christians and Christian leaders. There are people who are reading my blogs, specifically "Amnesty Box" and are thinking that I am an advocate of a strict militant style of leadership for every ministry of The Salvation Army.

Amnesty Box is something that I truly believe in and it has its place as a prophetic voice. However, there is much more to my views than the two dimensions of my writing that may paint me as some kind of voice for Salvationists who believe in strict militant leadership.

I believe there is a place for those who need to be led strongly.

I also believe that God speaks through patience and tenderness of which some leaders in The Army must present to be effective for some people.

For instance, the poorest of the poor are also among some of the most verbally and physically abused. Do we really want to go into their neighborhoods barking out orders? Personally, I think they could use a little tenderness.

So, again, thank you everyone for your encouragement and support of my philosophies and teaching. And another thank you for your Christ-like patience with those whose views you may disagree with, including my own.

Forever learning,

1 comment:

Bret said...

Well said my friend.

