Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Jesus would have liked to color.

I and others have often considered the fact that there are no recordings of Jesus writing anything. Although he went to school like all other Jewish boys where he must have learned to read and write, we have no documentation of anything that he wrote as an adult.

I think (if what I think should actually matter) that there are a couple of reasons for this.

First of all, if Jesus would have written a gospel about himself, the entire canon would consist of the Old Testament and the Gospel according to Jesus. After all, what more could be said that any scholar would consider worth printing. I mean, would I read the gospel of Jesus and then read the letters of Paul? I don't know. The entire measuring tool of the canon of Scripture would have an entire different meaning.

Second, I believe that Christ, speaking Aramaic, a very simple language would have been more apt to put his gospel out as a coloring book. After all, He would have chosen to keep it simple. That would sure throw a wrench in having a King James Version coloring book of the gospel of Jesus. "Useth a green crayon hereth, to coloreth thou picture." Just doesn't seem to fit.

Jesus would have kept the gospel so simple that we could never have been able to argue such
things as:
What is worship?
What is baptism?
Why do we tithe and what is tithing for the New Testament believer?
Which version of the Bible should we use?
Is hell eternal?
Are we saved once and for all or is our salvation dependent upon a continual faith in Christ?

I'm glad we have the deep theological writings of Paul, Peter, John, Luke, Matthew, and the other New Testament writers that keep the scholars busy, but I would have loved to have seen Jesus's coloring book...simple, clear, colorful.

Have a wonderful day as you color away.


1 comment:

Kathy said...

Awww...Pocket Johnny! You are completely right man. Knowlege just oozes from your pours and freaks me out!
Miss you Johnny!