Saturday, December 03, 2005

A Face in the Toilet

When I had the flu a few months ago and found myself with my head in the toilet, no one would have blamed me. Vomiting is pure misery and putting my face in the toilet is considered normal in our culture.

Now that I’ve experienced putting my face in a toilet, I actually look forward to getting the flu and I do nothing to prevent it. I don’t avoid people who have the flu. I don’t wash my hands when I leave a doctor’s office or hospital. I don’t eat well or dress warm in the winter. I have even considered ordering some influenza just for those boring days when there’s nothing better to do than stick my face in the toilet.

You probably think I’m kidding and you’re right. No one looks forward to sticking his or her face in the “underwater waste basket.” And anyone who does needs some serious therapy.

Shouldn’t we hold people accountable for recognizing the difference between needs and dependence? There are so many people who appear to love being sick. They don’t plan their lives; they don’t budget their money; they don’t invest in personal education. In short, they don’t make life happen; they accept whatever it gives.

It makes a lot more sense for us to teach people how to prevent the flu, than to show them where all the toilets of life can be found.

My name is Johnny and I am your friend.

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