Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Under Shepherd

As the previous post will guide you, it is apparently shocking that some non-believers are surprised when a Christian claims that God does not do everything for His children. The article, “God Is Not A Babysitter” has brought about a wonderful and sometimes disturbing discussion on one website (see previous post).

A couple of people even stated, “Either god is active in the world, or he isn’t. And by active, I mean in people’s personal lives. That includes protection for the innocent. Or else … he’s not worth believing in.”

What is quite interesting to me is how similar the view of some atheists are to some Christians.

One of the major pictures that studying the Hebraic and Jewish roots of the New Testament has given me is that of the Shepherd.

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

An Atheist Responds

On October 4, 2007 I posted an article titled “God Is Not A Babysitter” at

The gist of the post had to do with the absence of God in the world. An atheist picked up on the article and posted a response on his own website. It may be a good idea for some of you to read his response and consider the heart of his words. The true heart of an atheist or agnostic is often (not always) a desire to know the truth.

For the last two years, I have had the privilege of studying with a couple of agnostics. It is one thing to preach to and teach a room full of believers, and an entirely different thing to discuss the things of God with those who don’t believe in God. I will tell you that I have been so challenged by the interaction I have had with non-believers that I have learned as much from them (through the studies I underwent in response to their doubts) as I have from theological professors.

If you want to read the response to my article by this atheist, you can click on the link at That article will also connect you to my article.

May we all bless God today.


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

After the Vomit...Don't Forget!

Complaining is an easy thing to do. We all have reasons to complain.

Sometimes it is a little more difficult to notice the great stuff in our lives.

Think about that feeling right after you vomit when the wish-you-were-dead nausea is finally relieved. It is as if the whole world is at your feet just waiting to be conquered.

To read the rest, go to

In His dust,

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Homo-Sex God

In continuing my studies concerning the Bible and homosexuality, I have come across another interesting, controversial, and “possibly” misinterpreted text.

The many Bible teachers, including educated scholars and backyard theologians (a.k.a. uneducated, honorary doctors of Bible study leadership) who teach that homosexuality is overtly mentioned as a sinful behavior in the Bible, often quote from a few passages that often include 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10. There are other passages which are quoted, but we will stick with those two for the time being.

To read the rest, click

In His dust,