Saturday, July 26, 2008

An Atheist Responds

On October 4, 2007 I posted an article titled “God Is Not A Babysitter” at

The gist of the post had to do with the absence of God in the world. An atheist picked up on the article and posted a response on his own website. It may be a good idea for some of you to read his response and consider the heart of his words. The true heart of an atheist or agnostic is often (not always) a desire to know the truth.

For the last two years, I have had the privilege of studying with a couple of agnostics. It is one thing to preach to and teach a room full of believers, and an entirely different thing to discuss the things of God with those who don’t believe in God. I will tell you that I have been so challenged by the interaction I have had with non-believers that I have learned as much from them (through the studies I underwent in response to their doubts) as I have from theological professors.

If you want to read the response to my article by this atheist, you can click on the link at That article will also connect you to my article.

May we all bless God today.



Anonymous said...

Johnny - thanks for the link and your respectful words about my post. Your attitude is a refreshing change from the rude, self-righteous Christian trolling that seems to appear at many atheist blogs.

This is off track, but I liked your site's old decor. I'm sorry you switched to one of Blogger's boilerplate templates. :(

This is even more off-track, but I'm a she, not a he.

Anonymous said...

Oh, okay, I get it. You still have the other decor at another location. My bad.