Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Delta Force Looking for Aliens

Last Sunday night, I joined the amazing "Delta Force" in a mission at the Bus Station. The ministry that started with a bang is quickly evolving into possibly the most effective ministry of Charlotte Temple.
I found myself questioned by a Sheriff for over an hour, but not about legal issues. The sheriff was a man in his fifties, who told me that he had given up on religion a long time ago. He asked me questions about the Trinity, religion, differences between denominations, and his final question, “What do I think about space aliens?”

He told me that one of his coworkers at the police department calls him a “Son of Satan” because he believes that due to such a vast universe, he can’t believe that there isn’t more life out there. Instead of telling him how silly that was to think, I put my index finger on his chest and told him that he’s on to something! He looked shocked that I didn’t try to prove that there weren’t aliens somewhere out there. My approach was to tell him that he was created first of all to worship. And whether he chooses to worship God or something else, he will worship something. I then told him that he was given an innate sense of understanding that there is something bigger and greater than he or anything else even though he can’t see it. I explained that his secular, human side is trying to grasp on to something that will relieve the tension in his mind over the fact that he isn’t seeing it all. And in order to get some relief he is grasping on to whatever ideas the world can throw at him, whether it’s space aliens, big foot, or some other propaganda. The point is, I said, you’re searching and that’s good. Keep searching and you will find that the answer is Jesus Christ.

After our discussion, he said that this is the first time anyone has ever taken the time to answer his questions and he would love to ask me more. He had to go to work, but I gave him my email address, and I’ll probably see him again Sunday night.

After we gave out cocoa to dozens of wonderful, waiting people, and had many opportunities to share the gospel and give hugs, the Delta Force had a debriefing back at the parked van. We shared testimonies, praised God, encouraged each other and went home. Sounds a lot like church to me. I loved it!!!!!!!!!

This has definitely given me a jolt for the good and affirmed me in that there are other ministry opportunities that are incredibly effective outside the building.


Daniel said...

Johnny: That whole conversation you had with that sheriff is AWWWESOME man!

After a few weeks away, it was good to be back out there with everyone, sharing God's love at the bus station. I hope we continue to go and bring more and more with us.

Daniel Simmons

sarah jewett clarke said...

awesome. supporting you guys in prayer when i can't actually be there.

God is so much bigger than we are.


Awesome entry...thanks for letting us know about that experience! Hey...will I see you at the TWYC in Orlando? I hope so...if not, I'll just have to make Kristy give you a big ol' hug and sarcastic comment for me when she gets back. :-)