Monday, May 23, 2005

A Private Conversation

I found myself in an odd situation this past Sunday. The sermon that I preached was very personal and had a strange impact on me. This was such an occasion of preaching where I found myself having a deep discussion with Jesus, while the conversation doubled as a sermon for the congregation.

In fact, I found that this talk with Jesus served as a bit of a healing moment for me. I hope this doesn’t sound as though I didn’t prepare for the congregation. The truth is, when I wrote the sermon, I had no idea that it would produce such a personal, therapeutic energy when delivered on Sunday.

The congregation was smaller than usual, due to Women’s Camp, and this, somehow, gave me the comfort to share private parts of my life that I rarely share.

Some of you who are partners with me at Charlotte Temple commented on how I was at the pulpit somewhere around 11:12 or 11:15 a.m. Someone said, "Unless Johnny gets long-winded, we will be finished by 11:30." On any other Sunday and with any other sermon I would say, “I was long-winded.” However, the conversation carried me away into a place that I’ve never found myself while preaching.

I found myself privately conversing with Jesus in the presence of many witnesses. Ironic!
Thank you Charlotte Temple for your gracious patience.

Finally "Home"



hey johnny...i obviously wasn't there, but it sounds theraputic...hope God opened up a new part of your relationship with Him...praying for that for you.

I miss ya man!

Kathy said...

That's incredible. I wish I could have been witness you this holy encounter. You are awesome and I want you to know that Jason and I both pray for you daily and miss you like crazy.
We'll talk when I get back from the cold white north
love you man,

Wayne said...

Thanks for not mentioning me by name...:)