Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Cell Group Agenda for week of Jan 8, 2006

Cell Group Agenda for the week of January 8, 2006
Theme: “Working on your Relationship.”
Scripture: 1 John 1:1-10

1. Have everyone get something to drink and something to snack on before you begin. Then bring everyone to sit down on the floor in a circle and ask the following questions:
2. Who in here has ever gotten something that you really wanted, only to lose interest in it in a very short period of time? What was it?

Read the following passage from Graham Scroggie:

“Too many Christians live on the right side of Easter, but on the wrong side of Pentecost; the right side of pardon, but the wrong side of power; the right side of forgiveness, but the wrong side of fellowship. They are out of Egypt, but have not reached the land of promise and blessing. They are still wandering about in the wilderness of frustration and dissatisfaction.”

Have someone Read 1 John 1:1-10
1. Can we claim to have fellowship with God, yet live like we don’t and not be a liar?
2. Is it possible to know Christ and not be excited about it?
3. When John wrote this letter, he was an old man. At least 70 years had passed and Christians were beginning to become complacent about their faith. Why do you think that John’s concern for the state of those somber Christians caused him to write a letter?

After the third question, break up into groups of three and ask:

4. For those of us who believe in Christ and were once excited about our relationship with Him, have any of us become bored with our relationship with Jesus Christ?
5. Has this boredom caused you to stop sharing your faith?
6. How can we keep our faith from becoming stagnant and stale?
7. How important is it to have other Christians around us to encourage us in our relationship with Christ?

After this question, take the time to pray in your group of three for anyone who has lost their excitement over their relationship with Christ. Ask Jesus to bring freshness to his or her faith.

Get back together in a large group for Worship.

Have the person leading worship sing a song of adoration for our Savior. After singing, pray for each other to have a fresh love for Christ that will cause you to be excited about your relationship with Christ and make you look forward to bragging about your Savior to other.

Before you share the idea for witnessing this week, share this story from Carl G. Conner:

A few winters ago, heavy snows hit North Carolina. Following a wet, six-inch snowfall, it was interesting to see the effect along interstate 40.

Next to the highway stood several large groves of tall, young, pine trees. The branches were bowed down with the heavy snow—so low that branches from one tree were often leaning against the trunk of branches of another.

Where trees stood alone, however, the effect of the heavy snow was different. The branches had become heavier, but without other trees to lean against, the branches snapped. They lay on the ground, dark and alone in the cold snow.

When the storms of life hit, we need to be standing close to other Christians. The closer we stand, the more we will be able to hold up.”

Next Saturday night plan to go and see “The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe” with the group. Each person needs to invite and bring a friend and pay for that person’s ticket along with your own.

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