Sunday, January 15, 2006

Cell Group Agenda for Week of January 15, 2006

Cell Group Agenda for the week of January 15, 2006
Theme: “How do I know I belong to Christ?”
Scripture: 1 John 2:3-11


1. Give everyone present a piece of paper. Have them write down on the paper:
a. The names of people they have a hard time getting along with
b. The names of people they avoid
c. The names of people who would bring out feelings of anger if he or she were to see them.
2. Allow people to verbally express the feelings they experience when they look at the names on their list. Don’t allow the people in the group to speak the names, this would be gossip. Only allow for them to tell how they feel when they think of the people listed.

Should anyone appear to need prayer at this moment, take the time to pray for him or her to give them comfort, but don’t allow this to become a therapy session.


Read this story:
Dolly Madison, the wife of the fourth president of the United States, was one of the most popular women in American history. Wherever she went, she charmed everyone—the rich, the poor; the famous, the obscure; men, women—everyone she met. She was once assked to explain the secret of her power over others. The question took her by surprise. She said, “Power over people? I have none, I desire none. I merely love everyone.” –Source from Word and Worship Resoures for Salvationists, First Quarter 2006, pg. 17

Have someone Read 1 John 2:3-11
Ask the following questions:
1. Is there a way to know that you can be sure that you belong to Christ?
2. Do you believe that those who call themselves Christians, yet disobey the word of God are lying about being Christians, even if they aren’t aware that they are lying?
3. Is it easy to obey God’s command to love others?
4. What are some reasons that the people John is writing to would hate someone?
5. What are some reasons people hate others today?

After this question, break up into groups of three and ask:

6. Is there anyone here who is struggling with not being able to obey God’s command to love others because of unforgiveness, racism, or because of a judgemnt against sertain sinners, such as those struggling with homosexuality?

7. Ask if there is anyone in the group that would like to be able to begin caring about the people he or she wrote on their paper during the welcome of this gathering.
8. Have the person who says he or she would like to lose their ill feelings toward those on their list to pray sit on a chair and have the others come around that person and pray.

Get back together in a large group for Worship.


To begin worship sing have the worship leader lead a song of God’s mercy and love for sinners.

After singing, have everyone step out onto the back porch, bring the papers with their list of names.
Have a metal coffee can, garbage can, or chargoal grill available. Tell everyone who is willing to begin obeying God’s will by loving others, including those on their list to place their paper in the can or grill.
Then have everyone light a match and throw their match on the papers, signifying that they will begin to pray for those people, forgive them, and even begin loving them.

After this, pray for each other to continue to obey God’s command by praying daily for those whose names, once listed as people they didn’t care for, will now join the names of those whom they love.


Before you share the idea for witnessing this week, share this story from Warren W. Wiersbe, pgs 60, 61:

A man who was walking down a dark street one night saw a pinpoint of light coming toward him in a faltering way. He thought perhaps the person carrying the light was ill or drunk; but as he drew nearer he could see a man with a flashlight carrying a white cane.

“Why would a blind man be carrying a light? the man wondered, and then he decided to ask.

The blind man smiled. “I carry my light, not so I can see, but so that others can see me. I cannot help being blind,” he said, “but I can help being a stumbling block.”

After reading this story tell the group to make a commitment to call or write someone on the list they burned and just take the time to say hello and let that person know that you were thinking about him or her.
Next week you will be asked to share your experience in the group.

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