Sunday, April 02, 2006

Questions I Am Finally Able to Answer

In my studies this week, I have discovered some wonderful answers to questions that I’ve been asking for years. Why didn't my Sunday school teachers ever tell me this stuff? Oh yeah...they didn't know it either.

Why does Jesus say that there will be those who are standing there today who will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming into his kingdom (Matthew, chapter 16)?
Jesus called his movement “the Kingdom of Heaven”. To enter the kingdom of Heaven (community of God), you chose to follow Christ and once you become a follower you have entered the Kingdom of Heaven. Death is not the doorway to heaven—faithfully following Christ is. When Christ returns, the Kingdom of God will be in its full glory, until then "the Kingdom of God" moves forward as the followers of Christ waiting on His return.

Are we supposed to tithe?

The instruction to tithe was given to farmers and Levites. They tithed as a form of “Social Security” as their tithes of produce and flocks were used immediately to feed everyone who came to the worship festivals including orphans and widows.

Everyone was to pay the Temple tax, which was a half shekel (not 10 percent of everyone’s income).

Giving to the poor or “Giving Alms” was and is a Biblical mandate that even Jesus preached constantly. This was for all to do and it was and is the opportunity for all followers of Christ to share with those who don’t have. This is what we are to give according to what our hearts tell us to give.

It appears that the church has confused these commands and has created a new Temple tax, which is set at 10 percent of everyone’s income and doesn’t include the Biblical command to give to the poor. Helping the poor is extra!

The question that will blow your mind is the one that I will post soon with more elaboration on the findings. The question is: Why do we worship on Sunday? The answer is sure to threaten the less than solid in faith. It may even convince Chic-Fil-A to close on Saturday and be ready for business Sunday morning.

Forever learning,


sarah jewett clarke said...

i love reading your blogs because it's exactly like hearing you talk in person. except, without the "i'm so excited about this stuff that i can't sit still" and other visuals that don't translate onto the screen.

thanks for your passion for learning...and for sharing it with everyone who has ears to hear.

Stephanie said...

Yes, you are forever learning, aren't you! I struggle with the whole justification for tithing thing as well... thanks for your insight. I've missed being trapped in the kitchen lately...

Bret said...

Good stuff . . . yes. . .you're right about the tithe & the Sabbath. The church culture has taught us that we are supposed to give 10% and worship on Sunday. If we were really living the life that God calls us to live we would be giving much more . . . and not necessarily to the church (as you mentioned).

I’m looking forward to your post about the Sabbath.

