Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Little Less Talk and a Lot More Action

Throughout the centuries, Christians have sustained persecution. In some areas and eras the persecution has been more physical and brutal than others.

Recently, I was part of a discussion where the topic of persecution being possible in this country in the not-too-distant future, due to the more militant branch of atheism that is sweeping across Europe and is peeking its head up in the U.S.

As I consider the statutes of Christianity, I can’t help but wonder if many of us have completely missed the point of what Jesus taught us to do as his followers.

Most Christians can only envision evangelism as sharing the theological, doctrinal, and scriptural facts of what we believe. Did Jesus expect that to be our task?

I don’t remember any person ever being persecuted for finding a thirsty person and bringing them a cold bottle of spring water. I also can’t remember anyone being punished for going into their house on a freezing night, finding their coat, and giving it to someone who needed one.

It appears that persecution happens more because of the fundamental verbalizing of our faith, than our washing of feet and feeding of bellies.

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Bret said...

Persecution has been more the result of racism than of religious conviction. The reason those in the temple wanted to stone Paul was because he wanted to welcome the gentiles and Romans.

The hatred of Jews is certainly satanic . . . but I think it’s as much racial as it is religious.

. . . And then we have those who hate certain people groups because “God hates them.” This is a lie from the pit of hell. This kind of satanic behavior shows how blind many people really are.

What do you think?

Johnny said...

I agree with you, Bret that divisions such as racism and other prejudices are causing persecution, especially in places like Sudan.

I wanted to make the point that it's not our actions of love that incite persecution, but our theological views and beliefs. Therefore, even if we could never say the name, Jesus, we can always share his will.

Grace and peace,

Anonymous said...

Walker Said

>>Recently, I was part of a discussion where the topic of persecution being possible in this country in the not-too-distant future, due to the more militant branch of atheism that is sweeping across Europe and is peeking its head up in the U.S."

Really? Is that happening?

You're not joining the "XYZ big store is attacking Christianity because they don't say 'Merry Christmas' from September through year's end" are you?

Or the "the ACLU hates Christians because they're trying to keep our schools from leading prayers?" (Well, the zealots say "they're trying to prohibit prayer in schools" but that is inaccurate, of course.)

Yes, persecution happens, but in my experience not nearly as much as the fervent want it to.

Nothing binds a group faster than a little perceived "us v the world" dreams.

Namaste {gritting teeth version} {G}